


vittu sä oot kylmä
Anthony (big A) GOTHENBOURGHHH<3
Tibi (big V, mannen soms namn vi inte seijar höggt, Voldemort) <3
Allan (the iPod man)<3
Ivette (Anne´s bosss)<3
Shelly (responsibble for everything) <3
Isabell (TBB or the girl with the lacoste shirt) <3
Juka (the girl with the toys)<3
The Spanish guy (big S) <3
The cottoncandyman<3

Salla (the popcorn girl)<3
Linnea (the girl with the smile)<3
Silja (the icecream girl who watched at the hot guys stand while he was away)<3
Aly (the boy who can't smile)<3
Emma F (the girl with the long brown hair)<3
Nea (the girl who stold all the siiderit :'D) <3
Eeku (jätskimies)<3
Sessi (the girl with the lovely cap)<3
Jonina (the girl who had darra and counted 84 euros wrong ;D) <3
(anne, the girl with the drive-in mike ;D)

hymyilyttää vieläki :)) oli iha tippa linssis ku lähettii :'( mut lokakuus uudestaa ;DD<3

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