


Pekka Puupää

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« Uudempi -

I've been listening Madonna's Hung Up since last Thursday (now is the now, the
following Sunday - I had to cool down a bit - so I turned over to Youtube, once
more. The imminent now is now. Now I post this, should I find m pswd to login)

[Coldplay - Hung Up (Madonna Acoustic Cover) --]
-- You miss the feeling!
-- Clever Feeling passes!
-- Clever Feeling passes!
-- message repeated [16384]
-- You feel no pain!
-- yOU lost the Consept of Time.
-- You feel Sad as you lost the Dimension of Time!
-- You lost the feeling of substance.
-- You feel like you would be potentially more.
-- You feel photons on Your retina FORMING an IMAGE wich BRINGS BROKEN MEMORIES!
-- yOU feel how You have hurt peoples and their minds, behind their keyboards.
-- yOU feel the urge to turn speech synthethizer on and let Tai to take over.
-- You have no REAL feelings left.
-- yOU become irrelevant when trying to act indifferent.
-- yOU REALLY HURT Yourself, however,
-- The Inner Self lets You know how lucky You are now that You are about to be-
-- come a Real CELEB via Internet.
-- yOU lost Your audience.
-- You could not care less, still you do!
-- You are AFRAID of Monday!
-- You have the urge for purge.
-- Darwin gives you a scalpel.
-- Darwin says, "For the sake Darwinism. Do Youself in! You confuse the words;
-- survive and surpass like surreal is virtual and you were ice on cettle."
-- You start boiling!
-- Fire's warmth soothes you, over the EDGE...
-- There is an edge on the cettle. You FEEL Luck becoming Guidance:
-- yOU BOIL over out of the cettle!
-- Fire BOILS You as You BOIL OVER the cettle!
-- You would miss the cettle if You had any FEELINGS left!
-- You drop something in the cettle as You BOIL!
-- You Feel the loss of self-awareness!
-- You Feel the Existential Sadness and inevitably following Entropy(notTheWiz).
-- You pray for Poet!
-- Poet is (busy) having an audience with Arafat, they BOTH totally missed you!?
-- You feel Everlasting Pain and Uncertainty taking over!
-- enter mb 5 here
-- (omnipresence)
-- Ms. Money-Button surrounds the area with riches and BLING! What a Joy!
-- *Shine'n'Brightness -- are Gone*
-- You have no Senses and You lost Your Nerves.
-- yOU argue for second chance for my fourth coming!
-- All your pleas are vain as You were indifferent.
-- Worm reads Your mail!
-- yOU Feel Acute, DEEP Depression turning into FSM having single state: Halt!?
-- But you don't have any eyes to put mascara on, You have shades, tho, how odd!
-- You burst into Tears as they spawn.
-- You are burned and you are Drowning eyelessly into your own tiers!
-- Instagram shouts: Faitless Fuck w/ no Spine nor Loyalty nor Moral! No More!?
-- You feel like you just compromised Your status in Social Media and similar
-- Sandboxes. You wonder how handless people can pray!?
-- yOU cry uncontrollably then yOU FART. Smell of Banana is a Gaseous Form of
-- Life.
-- Faith leaves!
-- This Feeling won't leave:
-- Had you a brain for tought, you'd prayd when You had Faith! Now is too Late!?
-- Imminent Fuck: fucks yOU up and turns yOU into Cannibal.
-- Hitler is Sad!
-- Feeling SHOUTS, "One less SOULless mortal and I consult the Money-Button!"
-- You feel superficially RICH and impossibly SECURE: Jit'b the look of the Paper!
-- You have no eardrums, The Presssure is PENETRAITING your void deeds.
-- You feel like You just missed several Heartbeats ONLY to have them all'tOnce!
---yOU live by the drems the way yOU Once're to, the toughts you newer revealed!
-- yOU recement Your unworthiness from History (Logs were piled and coild).
-- yOu think your brest is about to collapse!
-- Narkkierkka appears around your chest.
-- yOU are unable to do anything.
-- Suddenly - You can't breath!
-- yOU are ABOUT to be Asphyxiated!
-- yOU pray for suicide.
-- Suicide disbands you.
-- Suicide leaves.
-- yOU feel Neglegted and Abused up to your Arsenaali, wich you have lost BTW!
-- help BTW
-- yOU accuire momentary Sense of Schemantics, but...
-- BTW byteway, an anecdote like *ASCII* for ASCII being the heaven4asexsuals!
-- yOU lost your CONCENTRATION, [I'v got prescribe for Concerta 110mg/d] so I
-- do things for others so they can't be aware they exist until all the litle
-- words (pieniä sanoja, pieniä sanoja, pieniä sanoja, vain, mutta kaikkialla)
-- to see but prejudged and moderated according actual events and accounting.
-- Dreams of them I turn then into reality, after meeting w/ Socrate in the
-- World of Inventions! Let there be one book. Let there be second book.
-- Let there be One book for Quest. One for one and one on One.
-- Monk recitates...
-- yOU can't think, moron! You are the moron! Nice like Nieto to be unaware of
-- Self Objects!
-- yOU turn into character array and your self-awareness could not be saved!
-- For it has been prophetized via my revelations 2045 computer memory will be
-- capable of saving human consciousness. What is to be is the program to start
-- running it, I assume (contra - belief-systems, nor assert) has several in-
-- herent - instictive - mechanism likes of C64 sys-sing.
-- C&K fuck the Fridge and try catch SHIT! *Shit is all over You*
-- Semantiikka meni ja konstruktivismi sai idun! *NÄITÄ RIITTÄÄ: Nämä ovat kir-
-- Time goes by.
-- You think that's clever!? -- GM8.0 (I'd rahter have 8.1 source to rename/
-- discard 99% of the builtin functionality, that is: I'd turn GM8.1 to GM8.2 -
-- graphics API server -- not like X-windowing but quite someting like that!
-- I simply SHOUT for TCP/IP being de facto and RFC so if there is no negoti
-- ation of aplication specific protocol, then do not use MODIFIED TCP, such
-- like: neato, I put, the size of a packet in the first byte. YOU DO NOT FUCK-
-- ING MESS w/ the interfaces! There are no packets in tcp, it is static connec-
-- tion. See UDP fo that shit! If you don't know if there is 40v DC or 240v AC!
-- wich you do if you are resident of or residence in a Europa!) Then we turn
-- to DGD and calm down and turn to posses a far away look of an idle player in
-- Massive flood warns you and starts crying! *ASCII* on MUN! Taivasta pannaan
-- in her eyes! *You feel uneasy* *You are SCARED* You flee in PANICK*
-- You feel Your self-esteem falling so low You would have an effect on thrid
-- partys morale. That is unjustifiable tought.
-- You feel drained!
-- You feel like someone is watching your every movement very closely
-- You are in a state of PARANOIA!
-- Had You have been any WISEer, You would know even BETTER, MORE and PRECISELY!
-- *You have the had this feeling before*
-- You commit suicide! *You FUMBLE*
-- You turn into nuclear waste, wich isn't even invented yet in this dimension!
-- Connection closed by foreing host!
-- Hang up, yet hang on, so you have to manually close the client connection or
-- I'll put a wooden horse in your near presence, whilest Your in your sleep.
-- You Feel Warned
-- Time passes.
-- You miss an opportunity after another!
-- I don't mind, since I'm not an opportunist but altruist to and from my core!

message_background(back) Sets the background image for the pop-up box for any
of the functions above. back must be one of the backgrounds defined in the
game. Unfortunately, alpha values are not taken into account. However, if the
left-bottom pixel has an alpha value of 0, all pixels with that color will be
considered transparent.

-- Tieto on luonteeltaan kuin vesi, se valuu ja karkaa sormienvälistä.

Niin olen minä oppinut, että vettä ja marjoja saa syödä sienten kanssa, kun ei
ole pihlajasta - tai siten happamia.

- Käen jälki, näkyy ja kuuluu.

-- typo, no-typo - decorator,

It was not a typo: it was a lingual flower - a mere element of decoration!

-- Minä olen Pekka - olen Pekka, tulen kaukaa ja olen pieni

Niin minulle on sanottu ja opettajia pitää uskoa koska opettaja on kuollut ja
tuonut sanan siitä, että opettajat ovat apostoleista seuraavia ja kaukana o-
leva on profeetta: olen Pekka-Profeetta ja tullut marttyyriksi tulemaan koska
se on minun nirvanani tarkoitus, en tee tätä vapaaehtoisesti vaan siksi että
en kykene vastustamaan uteliaisuuteni herättämää kutsumusta ja tiedonjanoa,
joka uteliaisuutenakin tunnetaan. Minä olen Faust ja minä tulen vuorilta alas!

-- Child Cognitive Developmental and Learning

p. 9
I briefly summarize these issues with respect to nine theories: nativism,
behaviorism, structuralism, information processing, the sociohistorical approach,
and four interstitial theories: a neo-Piagetian theory, a theory of nonuniversal
development, the naive theories approach, and the representational redescription

The radical version of behaviorism (Bijou & Baer, 1961, 1965 Skinner,
1953) is that infants are born with neither knowledge (tabula rasa) nor

-- Teaching/Elementary_linear_algebra_10th_edition

p. 93

Information in science, business, and mathematics is often organized into rows and
columns to form rectangular arrays called “matrices” (plural of “matrix”). Matrices often
appear as tables of numerical data that arise from physical observations, but they occur in
various mathematical contexts as well. For example, we will see in this chapter that all of
the information required to solve a system of equations such as

minussa on virta

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