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Sairas karhunpoikaTiistai 30.10.2007 19:40

Kiva paatos kahden duuniviikon matkalla.
Kurkku oli aamulla heratessa kipea ja paatin menna laakarille hakemaan
antibiootit ettei lennosta tulisi yhta kidutusta. Laakari otti tietenkin verikokeet ja saldona
sitten angiina, kaikki veriarvot pain persetta, hemoglobiini 100= anemia, heti rautakuurille ja tulehdusarvot 3 eli heti jatkoverikokeisiin ja tulokset soitetaan kahden paivan paasta.

Hataannyin niin paljon koko kokeista ja tilanteesta etta pillahdin itkuun (mahan en mene laakarille kuin jos en kertakaikkiaan kesta enaa)ja mietin tassa etta ollaanko tassa kuolemassa talla viikolla?

Kamat on pakattava tanaan joka tapauksessa kavi miten hyvansa.

YEAH one more dayMaanantai 29.10.2007 23:39

..and Im going home. Nothing else to say today, except that I bought 6 packages of ruisleipa today.

Time to goMaanantai 29.10.2007 08:18

Im done with the partying here in Finland - as much fun as it has been, both in Jyvaskyla and in Tampere, Im happy to go home and leave the party-scene behind. Its always fun for all the money here in Finland and this saturday was no exception. Thanks guys for the great night, wont be seeing you for a while as Im off to USA on wednesday.

2 more days and im gone and cant wait. Its been a great trip in Finland but I miss home like never before.

Cheers Finland, you know how to do it!

Jyvaskyla!!Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 12:30

Its fun to be back - thanks all for such a great time on Friday night.
This is the place for the ultimate fun. But thank god only a couple of times a year.


Awake or not?Keskiviikko 17.10.2007 22:17

Not too bad for the first day - came home from Espoo (Thanks to Samulai for driving me home, I took a nap and woke up in Tampere).

Went for a little walk to Koskikeskus (bought a pair of jeans, changed the battery to my watch and bought ruisleipa and redbull, which I never ever drink others than with vodka but today I made an exception as I feel a little out of energy).

Changed my plans and will head to Jyvaskyla this weekend cause I wanna be around in Tampere the following week..

Here I amKeskiviikko 17.10.2007 02:19

Feeling weird, in my room at 11.15pm in Espoo. Nothing to say.

On my way..Tiistai 16.10.2007 07:16

OK folks, the last sun rays have been sucked in - I spent the whole day by the pool without moving anywhere for 5 hours. Im grilled as a sausage.

At the airport, waiting for my flight home. Said goodbyes to my friends even though Im only gone for 10 days. Im so silly.

If I get really lucky, I get to see Neuvi today at the airport before I take off as he is arriving here before I leave and is coming from Dallas. Would be nice to see and say HI.

Oh well we'll see - that would have to be good luck as these flights come and go. (I did see him)

OK, I see ya all in Finland!