


Party like an Animal

Waiting here
For you to call me
For you to tell me
That everythingÂ’s a big mistake

Waiting here
In this rainfall
Feeling so small
This dream was not suppose to break

IÂ’m so sorry now
For the pain I caused you
WonÂ’t you please forgive

But you donÂ’t love me anymore
You donÂ’t want me anymore
ThereÂ’s a sign on your door
No vacancy, just emptiness
Without your love
IÂ’m homeless

In this cold
IÂ’m walking aimless
Feeling helpless
Without a shelter from the storm

In my heart
I miss you so much
Missing your touch
And the bed that used to be so warm

IÂ’m so sorry now
For the pain I caused you
WonÂ’t you please forgive

But you donÂ’t love me anymore
You donÂ’t want me anymore
ThereÂ’s a sign on your door
No vacancy, just emptiness
Without your love
IÂ’m homeless

IÂ’m, my baby, IÂ’m sorry

But you donÂ’t love me anymore
You donÂ’t want me anymore
ThereÂ’s a sign on your door
No vacancy, just emptiness
Without your love
IÂ’m homeless

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