


Party like an Animal

AshtiBox - ForgiveSunnuntai 24.05.2009 03:49

Babe Girl you said dat youre not gonna leave me alone/
But you did dat to me/
And Im not gonna forgive you/
Cuz said dat youre not coming back enymore/
When you said youre not coming back/
I just start Crying/
Cuz I was in love with you babe girl/
I just wanna do everything becouse of you/
Cus I wanna be youre Boy!/

Everytime when i was near youre house waiting for you/
But i didn't know about dat you was lier/
And Now I wanna say thank you fo everything/
Babe you think dat im gonna forgive you when yopure coming back/
But No No Im not gonna forgive you/
Cuz you said dat Im gonna cheat on you when youre near to my house/
Do you rimember our nice times/
When we was in madacascar, and you said I wanna love/
And I said dat I was in love with you when i was 6 years old/

I was just 6 years old!, you told me dat Im gonna take you/
But now youre bearkin my heart/
Maybe you dont know how easily, youre bearkin my heart/
Youre always breakin my heart/
Babe anyway I love you!/

You was 5 years old/
I was 6 years old/
we was so cute together/
You was 5 years old/
I was 6 years old/
We was so cute together/
Youre Bro was 2 years old/
My Sis was 3 years old/
They watching our hands/
Cuz we was so cute together/
Together, Together, Together, Together/

In this day I've to forget our nice times/
Cuz its easy to me think about you/
You was so beatiful girl/
But you was so stupid girl/
Cuz you never told me that, youre gonna leave me alone/
And you I've to say, Im so lonely Without you babe Girl/
But I think dat youre thinkin about me in youre mind/
But babe dont think about me enymore/
Cuz nothing is gonna happened enymore/
I think dat you've say good bye babe boy/
Cuz Im not gonna even watch youre eyes/
Cuz Im not gonna even watch youre eyes/

You was 5 years old/
I was 6 years old/
we was so cute together/
You was 5 years old/
I was 6 years old/
We was so cute together/
Youre Bro was 2 years old/
My Sis was 3 years old/
They watching our hands/
Cuz we was so cute together/
Together, Together, Together, Together/

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