
<3Keskiviikko 25.02.2009 23:57

If I were a girl
Even just for a day
Id roll outta bed in the morning
And see just how much noise I could make
Id start drying my hair
Youre still asleep I dont care
I put all the lights on in the bedroom
Turn the TV up to full volume too
Its just what us girls do
If I were a girl
Id spend my day being mad
Id blame it on my hormones
And burst out crying even when Im not sad
Id say that Im fine
Then not speak for the day
Say nothings wrong when you ask me
Then Id still be bloody angry
And start arguing when you get to bed
If I were a girl
Id always moan bout my weight
Say Im fat and ugly
Even though I know Im still a size eight
Id demand equal rights
But then wanna walk through doors first
Id say all men are perverts
And then wear a stupidly revealing skirt
Id say Im independent
That I dont need no man
Then Id expect you pay
For meals and nights out we plan
Id want to have it both ways,
Is that really so wrong?

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