Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja




follow me, you can follow me, I will keep you safe

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iWaifuPerjantai 19.03.2010 16:55

Käy kaupassa ja tekee ruokaa kun mies nukkuu. Herättää miehen hellästi, kun ruoka on valmista. Käyttää kuudetta aistiaan tietääkseen mitä jälkiruokaa mies haluaa.

vain 12,90€

>:DKeskiviikko 24.02.2010 01:11


Tsundere (Harsh Outside-Gentle Inside)
[ ] You come off as sort of aloof to other people.
[ ] In public, you intentionally refrain from showing much weakness.
[ ] You have a secret obsession with something cute.
[ ] You pretend that you hate your crush even though you really love him/her
[ ] You blush when people point out your sensitivities.
[ ] You blush when people tell sexual jokes.

Total: 0

Yandere (Gentle Outside-Harsh Inside)
[x] You’re very sweet and kind in public.
[ ] When romance becomes a topic of discussion, people say your personality changes drastically.
[/] You know some sort of martial art, swordplay, or otherwise.
[ ] You have a crush who you’d literally kill for.
[/] You have a pet peeve that makes you snap.
[ ] Schizophrenic?

Total: 2

Meganekko (Girl/Guy-with-Glasses Character)
[ ] You have glasses.
[x] You can sometimes/always be clumsy, ditzy, or absent-minded.
[ ] You are always very polite in your speech.
[x] You are fairly intelligent in some field.
[/] You take discipline seriously.
[/] You have some sort of fetish for something.

Total: 3

Tsukkomi (Angry Guy)
[x] You have a friend/s who often make dumb or embarrassing remarks.
[ ] You smack/beat up this friend in someway.
[ ] You do your best to maintain a calm facade, only to be thwarted by this friend.
[ ] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yin”
[x] You swear a lot.
[ ] You try to bring out the more serious side of your ridiculous friend.

Total: 2

Boke (Dumb Guy)
[ ] You often make silly or embarrassing comments.
[ ] You like annoying the heck out of your best friend/close friend.
[ ] You often get beaten up by your friend in some way, but you take it in good
[ ] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yang”
[x] You are normally very laid back and carefree.
[ ] You try to bring out the happier side of your angry friend.

Total: 1

Nadeshiko (Perfect Wife)
[ ] You are always, almost overly, polite.
[x] You love traditional Japanese culture.
[ ] You often wear either a kimono, yukata (summer cotton kimono), or apron.
[/] You’re an excellent cook.
[x] You are hardly ever angry.
[/] You have really long hair.

Total: 3

Sexy Character
[x] Your bust/package is...formidable.
[/] You like making sexual innuendos.
[ ] You encourage trips to the beach, pool, or onsen (hot springs).
[x] There are some sexual things that you are ignorant to or need explained to you.
[ ] You’re an expert cosplayer.
[x] You like the taste of alcohol.

Total: 3½

Loli/Shota Character
[x] You like sweets or chocolate.
[/] You adore cute things and/or the word “kawaii”.
[ ] You use Japanese suffixes like “-chan,” “-tan,” “-sempai,” etc.
[/] You add unnecessary suffixes to the ends of your sentences, like “nyo,” “nyu,” “un,” etc.
[x] You are considered gullible or naive.
[x] You have a tall/powerful friend who protects you. (:DD)

Total: 4

Ufufu loli :--D

Ompel~Keskiviikko 10.02.2010 01:42

Hei kertokaa mistä löytää punasta valkoraidallista (tai ihan vaan punavalkoraidallista) kangasta mekkoo varten (katso kuva) ;__;

Also; mistä kankaasta kannattaa tehdä hame jos haluu käyttää alushametta sen kans (vai onko mitää välii) ;OOOO

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.02.2010 17:02

Nomnom tikkarii suuhu :3

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.01.2010 02:10

Haista kakka pakkanen, oot liian kylmä :c Posket ja nenä ei tykkää, enkä enää keksi mitä puen jalkojen päälle ettei olis kylmä :cccc

!Keskiviikko 13.01.2010 12:34

Etuhiukset GET!

!!!Tiistai 29.12.2009 21:01

Olis myynnissä ihan uus (tai erittäin paljon uudenveroinen, ei oo ees luettu) Blade of the Immortalin 4. osa (nimeltään On Silent Wings I) :O
Hinta ~10e (maksaa normisti jossai fantsus ja muissa mangaa myyvis kaupois ~20e) >:O

ROARRRRRRMaanantai 21.12.2009 02:15


Mitäs tämä nyt onTiistai 01.12.2009 04:50

En enää tunne itseäni yhtään niin nuoreksi mitä luulin olevani.

:cccSunnuntai 15.11.2009 21:58

them pigs finally got me ;__;