


is Thankfull everyday.


« Uudempi -

...Maanantai 31.12.2007 08:59

I'v come to think about how i feel and moust of all how the world feels, that be bad my friend.
And with that i don't mean that thinkin about it is bad, or when i put it that way: it is.
It is a world with smiling faces and lies, witch means that we may be happy, but where does the happynes come from? For an example drugs, is smokin weed a feeling of joy? Or is it just our way to cover what really budders as, living. People smiles at as and we smile back. Kind of "you shoot, i'll shoot". Well if we are living like we wanna have something before we give something ain't that fake. What we see is the painting not the picture. sad it is.

it does'ent make any sens, you don't unerstand. i'm out.


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