


you're such a glorious headfuck thing

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 09:48

"Jonas Brothers haters are going to far because they are planing to spam The Jonas Brothers youtube page and get their page deleted. I just found this out in a bulletin so here is the wholeÂ…. Okay So I was on the JB channel reading some comments. When I came across this comment.

“hello member of ADM, AJM, or any other Jonas Hate Group, on the date of Nov. 5th 2008, we shall attack the jonas brothers page/videos simultaniously at exactly 1600 hours (4:00 EST)in a plan we shall call “Operation Vendetta”. we shall spam the pages and videos, also flagging specific videos in hopes of suspending them. we shall also spam fans of the joehoes and flag their videos. till then, spread this message. ~anonymous”

His channel is , so on the exact time. We must stop it! This is getting out of hand! If your a true fan. That day; time your gonna help the haters lose! HELP JB! And it’s Kevin’s B-day that day. We gotta make it his BEST bday. Not Worst! So if your a true fan you’ll repost this for 100’s and 100’s of fans to see and help the jb! [read and started by xoxjonasbrothers28]”

So please help JB out we need to stop this. Please spread the word to stop all of this. You would do this if you are a true Jonas Brothers fan!Â…"

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