
taking back my love.Sunnuntai 05.04.2009 20:14

Did it happen when we first kissed?
'Cause it's hurtin' me to let it go
Maybe 'cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more

I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why I'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you are the one to blame

Damn, ain't it crazy when you're loveswept
You'd do anything for the one you love
Cause anytime that you needed me, I'd be there

Its like you were my favorite drug
The only problem was that you was using me
In a different way than I was using you

But now that I know that it's not meant to be
You gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you

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