i can see you smile, see the light up in your eyes and you saw my life, born in mind as i turn away, from the memory we became i am wondering what the hell went wrong
with every minute i loved you every minute i love you every minute i'm losing you each moment i love you
when you came to me, you spoke to my soul that i gave you to keep, with you i was whole i believed in love, that could not believe in me didn't even know how alone i would feel
i can't feel my heart, untouch me away i'm running in my thoughts, there ain't much in me with the rest you left in the street, you were gone with the last breath i take, i'm singing this song for you
and i came back and i came back you were gone
jos nyt tuomitset mut sen takia, että tein tyhmästi ja jos latelet juttuja jotka osuvat kipeästi sano hyvästi, oo ilkeä, voit sylkeä vasten naamaa herjaa keskellä katua ja revi jo avointa haavaa
tee mun olosta tukala ja nolaa muiden nähden
nosta riita, lyö poskelle mustasukkaisuuden tähden älä kuuntele, jos selitän kun mulla on suruja vietä aikasi hymyillen toisten kanssa, jätä mulle vain muruja
mitä siitä kun mikään ei tunnu miltään olen lakannut odottamasta ketään
mee tai tuu, ota tai jätä, se on sama mä seuraan kaikkea sivustakatsojana
no matter what happens, we must stick together come on trust on my words; give me your heart back again kiss my lips, touch my hand, give me a second chance my heart is pumping; having feeling that i've never felt
every day, (day, day, day) every night, (every night, every night, every night) every day, (day, day, day) every night, (every night, I wanna see you, baby staying by my side) every day, (day, day, day,) every night, (every night, every night, every night) every day, (day, day, day) every night, (every night, every night) i'm accustomed to you
jos sä haluut sen nii sä saat sen mä näytän mihin paat sen, kunhan se tuntuu hyvältä hyvältä hyvältä jos sä haluut sen nii sä saat sen mä näytän mihin paat sen lanteil, lanteil, lanteil, ourrait
your faith was strong but you needed proof you saw her bathing on the roof her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you she tied you to a kitchen chair she broke your throne and she cut your hair
everybody hit the floor let's get it on you gotta move your body (body, body) don't stop, come on (your body) now hit the floor lets get it on you gotta move your body (body, body) don't stop, come on
(i've got the power)
tähän maailmaan meitä mahtuu monta sun kans monta hetkee unohtumatonta
niist huolimatta elän rakkautta saaden ei tollasii löydä ku päästä sateenkaaren