
Itken tätä nyt tännekki....Lauantai 31.10.2009 21:37

Kopioin tän ny suoraan blogist.. SORI mun TOSI P-A-S-K-A-S-T-A enkusta....

Seriously, I'm so hopless... I've been for real this time thinking to leave loli.. =(((( Last three months I have worn loli just once! And it's too much like... I HAVE TO wear loli, not that I WANT TO.. I dont enjoy it as much as I did before..... It's not the same anymore ;__; I don't want to quit but what else can I do? I never wear the clothes.... I could sell my loli-clothes and get new non-loli instead... I love the style. Everytime I see well created outfits od beautifull dresses I fell in love again and again. But when I wear my clothes.. Its not as cute, as enjoyable and cool as it was.. Its not me ;___; I really dont know what to do. I'm been in this position for a year now.. I'm scared that when I finally have get rid of my clothes I want to start loli again...... What can I do? I love the style and I don't want to leave it but I dont enjoy it as much as i did and i never wear the super-cute frilled dresses.. Still I love to make and design loli-clothes....

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