
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.03.2008 23:41

administrator says...


Wow! That felt good!

We haven't been able to say "tits" or "bollocks" for 3 friggin' years!

All of a sudden we realise we'd stumbled onto this hideously ugly path, and before we knew it we ended up in corporate whoresville.

Our advertisers gradually demanded change... after change... after change to our website, making it impossible for us to say words like "tits". It made the whole thing suck. We used to be naughty to the hilt and get away with all sorts of mischief - remember how we used to get you guys to steal your teachers' staplers and post them to us for ransom?... or Grim Rita's "does my bomb look big in this?" rucksack?... or "Pope Idol" (which we launched the day after some vicar was found jacking off on here)... hehe. Best of all was when Grim Rita got arrested, cos she had you all send dirty letters to the grumpy accountant next door (over 250,000 letters - we didn't think the poor old sod would have to open every single one, just incase it was a riveting pension supplement. eek!)

Eek, we're sorry - we hadn't realised we were climbing the corporate ladder - honestly, it just happens without anyone noticing - it's so evil!! The money grabbers who copied our original idea (we were the world's first online profile community) kinda formed an industry that threw all sorts of rules at us and we started following them for some strange, unknown, reason. Yep, we became a bunch of nob-jockeys and we didn't even realise.

Anyway - no adverts means no rules. No rules means we can start to party!

Give us a while to sort our heads out and this place will start rockin' like an alzheimers on crack.

Anyway, if you care to join us, we're all gonna shout "tits" at 2pm this Friday afternoon, wherever we are and as loud as we can, to announce our long awaited freedom.

Without ads we won't have as much spare cash to spend on staff etc, so you guys are gonna have to help us out - if we all chip together we can make this site so cool. It's gonna rock!

Big Hug


>> wuuu! \o/

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