
I don't wanna live without youTiistai 19.10.2010 16:46

Please stay
I miss you
I need you
And if today I donÂ’t see your face
NothingÂ’s changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday
Say you love me more than you did before
Well I tried to live without you
But tears fall from my eyes
I look up at the starts
Hoping you are doing the same
And somehow I feel closer
And I can hear you say
I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay, please always stay
YouÂ’re the one that I hold on to
My heart would stop without you

I can't stand the painMaanantai 11.10.2010 23:28

my girl, always and forever
en tiedä kuka olen , mutta tiedän minne kuulun
Promise to you baby girl, my feelings staying this way.
I love you always and forever, it will always be the same.
The moment you're in pain, I wanna be there for you.
Crying every time you cry and sharing laughter with you.
Ain't nothing I wont do if I can see my baby smile
Remember you can call me anytime you're feeling down.
No girl can take your place and love me like the way you do.
So I'm a hold you tight, cause I need you by my side.
It's me and you forever, babe I need you in my life.

All I need is youKeskiviikko 06.10.2010 00:59

Girl, I never would have thought that lost you completely
I need you, everything is more difficult without you

I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand
I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned
Won't tell anybody how you turn my world around
I won't tell anyone how your voice is my favourite sound

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall

ansku<3Keskiviikko 25.08.2010 00:49

1) Kuka hän on?: ansku
2) Mistä tunnet hänet?: nohnoh , puistossa tutustuttii ko tyttö oli juomassa..
3) kuinka läheisiä olette?: toooosi läheisii
4) Missä hän asuu?: keskustas
5) Mitä hän harrastaa?: eipä mtn
6) Tunnetko hänen perhettään?: en tavallaa
7) Oletko vieraillu hänen luonaan?: juu
8) Onko hänellä lemmikkejä?: ei
9) Oletko halannut häntä?: joo
10) Oletko viettänyt hänen kanssa öitä?: joo
11) Oletteko nukkuneet samassa sängyssä?: jeep
12) Anna arvosana hänen ulkonäölleen asteikolla 4-10?: 10
13) Miksi pidät hänestä?: ihanin
14) Voisitko pussata häntä?: tottakai
15) Milloin näit hänet viimeksi?: muutama pv sitte
16) Onko hän saanut sinut itkemään?: itseasiassa , on.
17) Mikä hänessä on parasta?: no se on paras
18) Oletteko sukua?: ei
19) Kauan olette tunteneet?: vast vähä alle puol vuotta o:
20) Mitä haluat sanoa hänelle?: <3
Onko hän:
LYHYT vai PITKÄ ?: no lyhyt
KILTTI vai TUHMA?: sekä että
VIISAS vai TYHMÄ? : einstein
HAUSKA vai TYLSÄ? : hauska
KAUNIS/KOMEA vai RUMA? : kaunein
RIKAS vai KÖYHÄ?: normi
NORMAALI vai ERILAINEN? : no erilainentäydellinen semmonen
RAKAS vai TÄRKEÄ?: sekä että
Kumpi teistä on:
viisaampi: minä
urheilullisempi: ansku.. luulisin
parempi koulussa: ansku
parempi kielissä: entiiä
parempi laulamaan: ansku
pidempi: minä
parempi meikkaamaan: jaa a , oisko se ansku
kauniimpi: ansku
datis: enkai vaan minä
kotiäitityyppiä: ei kumpikaa
juoppo: no ansku !
kirjailija: ansku
kiltimpi: miä..
helppo taivutella: minä ainaki
LOPUKSI tekisikö hän saman sinusta?: enpä tiiä<;

what the hell you want from meMaanantai 23.08.2010 23:17

Mutta mä tiedän että me palataan
tulen samat virheet toistamaan
jos aito rakkaus murhataan
niin tuskin mitään hyvää aikaan saa

What hurts the mostSunnuntai 22.08.2010 15:10

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you

Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that some day you will see
That somebody's me
That somebody's me

why you aren't mineSunnuntai 22.08.2010 02:17

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time can not erase
When you look me in the eyes
And tell me that you love me
Everything's alright
When you're right here by my side
When you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
How long will I be waiting
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you
In the best way that I can
I can't take a day without you here
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear
More and more, I start to realize
I can reach my tomorrow
I can hold my head up high
And it's all because you're by my side
There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you'd go
I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
'Cause you keep me from falling apart
And without you I don't know what I'd do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see
You're all I need
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You're all I've got, you're all I want

I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I don't know if I'll get up
I don't wanna cause a scene
But I'm dying without your love
Begging to hear your voice
Tell me you love me too
'Cause I'd rather just be alone
If I know that I can't have you

don't tell me that it's overSunnuntai 08.08.2010 04:14

I want to know if it's real or do I make it up inside
You don't know how I feel please tell me I wont realise
I want to run and hide keep it all inside maybe I'll be fine
But maybe I wont
I'm a little drunk and I need you now
I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.
Maybe it's time to continue the journey
Leave you to live your life in your own way
We are just friends anymore
You and me, it seems to be over
But still I love you.
I want to hear you say once again that you don't need me anymore
It's the last time I promise myself
Then I am ready to continue without you
Then, It's really over
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