
it's not real but it's good fun!Keskiviikko 25.02.2009 20:21

Summer fling, don't mean a thing,
but oh, oh those summer nights
- You're sandy... Hey, you ARE Sandy!

If you show me real love baby
I'll show you mine
I can make it nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let's see what this love can do
Baby I'm perfect for you
- smoking, drinking, dancing on the table...
- I do that home too, he just doesn't know about it
- but you won't anymore!
- well no, I'm married now.

near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does
go on
- what are we gonna name our kids?
- Hmmm.. Sheila and Evita
- well Sheila is not a good name for a boy.. what will the boy be named?
- I'm thinking Jack.
- Oh of course, they're gonna be Jack and Rose like us!

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