
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

lomaMaanantai 29.06.2009 01:34

se tarkoittaa vain yhtäasiaa

P!NkTiistai 09.06.2009 23:45

ouluun 3-7.6Keskiviikko 03.06.2009 00:31

takas!Lauantai 23.05.2009 06:36


PARISLauantai 16.05.2009 17:40

maanantaina! 18.5-22.5

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 12.05.2009 23:23

viimesetki hilut vietiin

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.05.2009 02:05

I am changing, tryin' every way I can
I am changing, I'll be better than I am
I'm trying-to find a way to understand
But I need you, I need you-I need a hand

I am changing, seeing everything so clear now
I am changng, I'm gonna start right now, right here
I'm hoping to work it out, and I know that I can
But I need you, I need a hand

All my life I've been a fool
Who said I could do it all alone
How many good friends have I already lost
How many dark nights have I known

Walking down that wrong road, there was nothing I could find
All those years of darkness-can make a person blind
But now I can see

kaunis kuin kukkaPerjantai 17.04.2009 00:56

idolKeskiviikko 25.02.2009 02:35

hyvää lomaaTiistai 24.02.2009 19:08