


Kori täynnä bissee, jalat pöydällä.

I don't give a flying fuck, motherfuckerPerjantai 20.02.2009 18:57

It's a dolor that I can not show
When I could easier pose
But you probably knew that I was lost.
Did you think that I would right now
Show you things I have lost?
Swim if you're diving for a human being.
Conflict, terror, hear the noise
You're in the edge of a nerve-racking force
Oh my god, here's the fight
Never siege, never riot, must defy
When you look at me, what do you see
Another trophy, a livin' fuckin' dead beat
Close your eyes, take a step with me
You're gone... But it's not too late
Insanity and abnormality
Careful what you call reality
What you will always want
It was the day you should die.

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