


with the power to be powerful

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.03.2009 06:48

99,82% people less tense than you
99,21% people less witty than you
95,31% people less idealistic than you
94,78% people less complex than you
92,02% people less shy than you
91,88% people less ingenious than you
90,72% people less proud than you
89,16% people less introverted than you
79,30% people less dignified than you

15,67% people less happy than you
5,57% people less patient than you
4,11% people less religious than you
4,05% people less warm than you
3,29% people less giving than you
1,40% People less kind than you
0,91% people less responsive than you

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