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OTAKU - kyselyTiistai 22.01.2013 19:23

Huomhuom! Tämä kysely on puhtaasti OTAKU - kysely. :'D

1. What is your favorite color?
+ musta

2. When you start cosplaying (if you cosplay)?
Njoo, alotin tossa marraskuun aikana väsäämään ensimmäistä asuani, joka tosin on vieläkin melko.. kesken. xD

3. Yaoi or Yuri?
...yaoi! //shot

4. What was your first anime what you have watched?
No pikkulapsena katoin aina CANDY CANDY:ä, Pokemonia ja Digimonia.. Mutten siihen aikaan ees tiennyt mitä anime oli.
Animesta innostuin vasta sitten, kun katsoin Death Noten läpi siskoni neuvosta. Mutta en itseasiassa muista, ehdeinkö katsomaan jakson jos parikin Narutoa ennen DN:ää.. C:
Näiden kahden jälkeen aloin katsomaan OHSHC:a! Mwuahaha!

5. If you have watched SAO (sword art online) what you think about that anime?
Enpä ole katsonut. Minulla on paha tunne, että se naispäähenkilö tulee olemaan riipaisevan ärsyttävä. //en helpolla tykästy naishenkilöihin.. I wonder why..

6. What is your favorite otp?
..ei ole vain yhtä ;u; mutta esim:




7. What is your favorite game?
Hmm.. No.. Silent Hill pelit on tosi hyviä~

8. J-pop or K-pop?
:ccc vaikia valita.. mutta sanon nytten J-POP. J-ROCK on myös jotain todella ihanaa. <:

9. Your favorite anime and manga? why?
Anime: MF, Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Durarara!!, Another, OHSHC, Ao no exorcist (Blue Exorcist), Kuroshitsuji -- JNE.
Manga: NGE, Bleach, Death Note, Chrono Crusade, Naruto, DRRR!!, K-ON! jne.

10. Your favorite singer/band.
Niitä on niin paljon.. niin, niin paljon.. Mutta koska kyseessä on Otaku-kysely, heitetään pari aiheeseen kuuluvaa;
KAITO, Rin Kagamine, MEIKO, The Gazette, An Cafe, G-DRAGON, BIGBANG, Beast, 2NE1, SuG, Miyavi yms~

Ps. Poimein tämän Devistä, käyttäjältä nimeltä Fuugis ^^

AWESOME TESTITorstai 20.12.2012 02:46

[☆] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. //Naaah..
[★] You have your own room. //Jeah..
[★] You own a cell phone. //..njuu.
[★] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman. //khyllä, iPod
[★] Your parents are still married. //On~
[★] You love your family. //<3
[☆] There is a pool/spa in your backyard. // ._.''
T 0 T A L: 5/7

[★] You dress the way you want to. //Juuh. :D
[★] You hang out with friends more than once a week. //Riippuu mistä roikkuu.
[★] There is a computer/laptop in your room. //Dell c:
[☆] You have never been beaten up. //On toki.
[★] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to. //Toki. Aina J-rockista ihanaan K-poppiin.
[★] Your room is big enough for you. //Ok.
[★] People don't use you for something you have. //Not a chance.
[★] You have been to the movies. //..mikä kysymys..
T 0 T A L: 12/15

[☆] You have over 500 friends on Facebook. //..noei.
[★] You have pictures on Facebook. //Uh-huh.
[★] Your parents let you have a Facebook. //Mhh.
[★] You get allowance/loan. //Juu.
[★] You collect something "normal". //Pinssejä, valokuvia yms.
[☆] You look forward to going to college. //...
[★] You don't wish you were someone else. //Enpäjuu. Mut paranneltavaa löytyy aina.
[★] You play a sport.「Every night」
[★] You want to do something after school/college. //
T 0 T A L: 19/24

[☆] You own a car/truck. // :cc
[★] You usually don't fight with your parent(s). //Enn oikeestaa..
[★] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life.
[★] You have friends. //<3
[★] You've never had a detention. //Korvausta senkin eestä..
T O T A L: 23/29

[★] You know what is going on in the world. //Valitettavasti.
[★] You are happy with your life. //Mhm. :D
[☆] You usually aren't sick.
[★] You know more than one language. //FINSKA, SVENSKA, Englantia ja Japania.
[★] You have a screen name. //Lukusia.
[★] You own a pet. //Koiruus.
[★] You know the words to more than 5 songs. //OP OP OP OP, OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!
[☆] You don't have any enemies. //Bawahhaa..! Koko maailma!
T O T A L: 29/37

Total overall: 29
Multiply by 3 = 87%

101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F

Tulos: B

//Meh. Kelpaa. :D

Truth.Sunnuntai 16.12.2012 05:53

I want you.
But you will never be mine.
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