I've kissed someone:
[x] on the cheek
[x] on the lips
[x] on their hands
[x] in my room
[x] in their room
[x] of the opposite sex
[x] of the same sex
[x] a little younger than me
[x] a little older than me
[ ] a lot younger than me
[x] a lot older than me
[x] blonde hair
[x] brown hair
[ ] red hair
[x] black hair
[x] shorter than me
[x] taller than me
[ ] with a lip ring
[x] who I truly love/loved
[x] who was drunk
[x] when I was drunk
[x] in the morning
[x] just before bed
[x] who I had just met
[x] who I really didn't want to kiss
[x] on a bed
[ ] in a graveyard
[ ] at school
[x] against a wall
[ ] at a show
[ ] at the beach
[ ] in a pool
[x] who was/is a good friend
[x] in the rain
[x] in the shower/tub
[x] in a car/taxi/bus
[ ] on a plane
[ ] in the movies
[x] in a bathroom
[x] in the dark
[ ] under water
[x] while I was driving/while they were driving
[x] more than one person in a day
[x] more than one person in a hour