


so fucking proud of these days
I feel like im in a cage
there pushing me onto a stage
the magazines put me in a class
just because that photo showed my arse
everything has changed except my name
I take it back , dont this fame
I had to even change my face
I had to get some one to tie my lace
I only wanted to be famous to sing
I guess i should of stopped it before it begin

( chorus )

If you want to go far
Then you have to be a fake popstar
excape that smokey bar
then you have to be a fake popstar
get rid of your spanish guiltar
your gonna be a fake popstar
go into debt and buy a car
your going to be a fake popstar

get more fans pretend your thick
all the papers give me stick
release some catchy big hot track
then lets wait for your big come back
im the person they only know
but where did all my money go

( chorus )

If you want to go far
Then you have to be a fake popstar
excape that smokey bar
then you have to be a fake popstar
get rid of your spanish guiltar
your gonna be a fake popstar
go into debt and buy a car
your going to be a fake popstar

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