



Happiness </3Maanantai 06.07.2009 03:12

Songwriters: Stewart, David A.; Dioguardi, Kara;

"I can turn the grey more blue
Give me a chance IÂ’ll show you
How to go from good to bad to worse
And then youÂ’ll see my greatest gift
Is falling down and taking ft
Cause everything feels better
When it hurts

In all kinds of weather
For worse or for better
IÂ’ll have it anyway
But Happiness
It canÂ’t last forever
You know thereÂ’s never
Pleasure without the pain
Here it comes again
Here it comes again

I used to dream of oceans wide
Somewhere in another life
I am floating far from everything

I need someone to pull me back
From the edge of where IÂ’m at
Cause if I hit the bottom
One more time
IÂ’ll never find

In all kinds of weather
For worse or for better
IÂ’ll have it anyway
But Happiness
It canÂ’t last forever
You know thereÂ’s never
Pleasure without the pain
Here it comes again
Here it comes again

In all kinds of weather
For worse or for better
IÂ’ll have it anyway
But Happiness
It canÂ’t last forever
You know thereÂ’s never
Pleasure without the pain
Here it comes again
Here it comes again

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