


What am I spitting out? Spitting out, something we never talk about: It's called my... mind.

:(Maanantai 23.02.2009 22:39

If I don't believe in love nothing will last for me
If I don't believe in love nothing is safe for me
When I don't believe in love you're too close to me
And that's why you have to leave

If I don't believe in love nothing is good for me
If I don't believe in love nothing will last for me
When I don't believe in love nothing is new for me
Nothing is wrong for me
And nothing is real for me

When I don't believe in love why do you care for me?
When I don't believe in love nothing is real for me
If I don't believe in love you're getting to close to me
And that's why you have to leave
And that's why you have to leave

If I don't believe in love
Nothing is left for me
If I don't believe in love
You're too good for me

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