


Rakastaa Jessee <3<3<3<3<3 4-ever!!!!

taas tällästPerjantai 12.06.2009 16:09

Out of the dark and into the light
I hope you follow me forever
Out of the dark and into the light
you tell me how to live forever

Down on my knees and facing the night
you save my soul and we're together

Out of the dark and into the light
you tell me how to live forever
Down on my knees and facing the night
you save my soul and we're together

Need you now until forever
Out of the dark!

Rock that drop-beat! Go!
Kick up! Kick that ass-kick flow!
Rock that drop-beat! Go!
Kick up! Kick that ass-kick flow!
Rock that drop-beat! Go!
Kick up! Kick that ass-kick flow!
Rock that beat up damn for wild!
Age Pee's burned up, cruel wild style!
Rock that drop-beat! Go!
Kick up! Kick that ass-kick flow!
Rock that beat up damn for wild!
Age Pee's burned up, cruel wild style!

Out of the dark and into the light
I hope you follow me forever
Out of the dark and into the light
you tell me how to live forever

Out of the dark and into the light
you tell me how to live forever
Down on my knees and facing the night
you save my soul and we're together

Need you now until forever
Out of the dark!

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