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Merkintä Dark Portalista, tää on vaan jotenkin niin itseironinen ettei mitään rajaa.
World of Warcraft joo mutta oikeasti, lol. En laittaisi tätä tänne jos tässä ei olisi mitään muuta ideaa kuin OmgWtbFieryEnchantOn2H/LFG tank BRD last spot.

Ja ihan vaan tilannekartoituksen vuoksi... kattokaa kuvat, muu ei oikeastaan ole yhtään tärkeää.'thas_Sunstrider


I love Kel'Thuzad:
* "The Cult of the Damned... I need to print more brochures."
* "I always wanted to start my own I did!"
* "This horned thing on my head is KILLING ME!"
* "Fifty thousand gold a year in child care and they call it a CULT?!"
* "No!!! A curse upon you, interlopers! The armies of the Lich King will hunt you down. You will not escape your fate..."* After killing his cat Mr. Bigglesworth in Naxxramas

Quotes from WoWWiki.

I'm going to marry him, Illidan and Kael'thas, just don't know who first! D:
By the looks it would probably be Illidan, but then again he's not so cool - and he has a WAY too much muscle. If it was for being similiar to myself, it would be Kael, we'd get along pretty well - but I don't want to stick my finger to that fel crystal on him. O_o
If it was for making me go *snickerlawlsnickergiggle* all the time, then it would be this skullhead lich, but he looks like a flower as all the liches seem to do, and I'm not turned on by flowers.

Now to the topic; what the hell is wrong with me, since I only seem to feel similiarity to powerful, bad guys? D:
And, why on Azeroth I'm not going to marry Sargeras* then?

Oh wait.
Wait indeed.

Quotes for Kael'thas:
* This is preposterous! Am I to assault the undead with nothing but sticks and harsh language?
* When the Flames settle, we shall see who still stands.

As he seems to be lacking the enormous amount of SNORT-quotes, he can still make me laugh. AND he has those nice nails also. I think I'll marry him. There's only the Jaina-issue, and the fact that I haven't yet found a way to teleport myself into Azeroth, on my way.

Ooh. No! Wait. Let's not arrange it all yet.
Because Illidan's funny also, and he even beats Kael by TWO quotes.
* "I'm blind, not deaf."
* "I see... -absolutely- nothing."
* "Wings, horns, hooves...what am I saying? Is this Diablo?"
* "Bah-weep-grah-nah-weep-ninni-bung! It's a universal greeting."

Plus I like blind people.

What all these guys seem to lack is the Looks.
One's a flower, another's skin looks worse than mine (and let's not even talk about the crystal...), one has had too much of bodybuilding lately and, just by the way, has too long horns also.

Also, Kael and Illidan have both these love issues in their lives, I think I'm not gonna be able to beat slu-... I mean beautiful night elven lady NOR a human mage (they have mana, I don't - I think), and marrying all of the three would just leave me around with the flower since Kael and Illidan have issues with each other also. Thanks, guys. I'll stay a single for my whole life.

PS. Maybe marrying the flower ain't so bad after all. He likes cats, I forgot about that.


* Sargeras = demonititaani, maailmojentuhoaja, jossain määrin verrattavissa Saatanaan

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