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<3Perjantai 21.10.2011 02:23

-When you looking back at the 2010 tour, I understand that the band's condition is steadily rising. Awhile ago, you said, "I really don't think that my skills have increased," yet it is clear that they did increase.

Kyo: I really don't know. But, it's true I have been told that quite a lot. I have also been told so by fans.
Probably, I think the image of me "being unable to sing at lives" is considerably strong. Before, during lives, more than expressions through "singing", I placed importance in communicating feelings through my body... I would improvise something... I dared to release tracks of that live where I couldn't sing.
So I have always been told, "This guy doesn't sing. He's properly singing on the CD, but he can't reproduce it live."
That's why I started thinking, "If you say it that way, then I'll show you how I normally sing," but then all of the sudden, I am beginning to be told, "You've improved," or "You've practiced really hard." In short, I want to say, "I have been singing properly before but I just dared not to do it" (laughs)

Actually, I find it easier for me to focus on proper singing. I'd get surprised, "Huh? Is this alright? Are you saying it is really okay like that?" But, people around me say that I've gotten better, but for me, I feel like I'm running away. What I'm doing right now is easier than before...

-If Kyo-san would be able to participate in APOCALYPTICA's next album, it would be very nice. If there was such an offer, would you accept?

Kyo: I think I want to simply try it. I like their personalities quite a lot... I was surprised that they were really stoic people. I thought that we... no, I am still very naïve.

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