


Rakas taivaan Isä, Tapa kaikki. Aamen. || Yössä stalkkerina mä sua seuraan~

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joo oli oikee ihnaa :DMaanantai 01.03.2010 11:54

Yai kirjotti:
About --.
Listen, faggot. Can't you face the truth?
-- IS TAKEN. -- HAS A BOYFRIEND. But it's not you, if you think that.
-- is NOT INTERESTED IN YOU. So you can stop asking her to be your girlfriend! You're not even her type, and YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
You're just pathetic. If I see you someday in Finland near --'s location, I don't know what I do, but IT'S NOT GOOD. Just leave her alone if you don't wanna be ONLY her FRIEND!
Your talks just make her pissed off! If you REALLY "love" her, you should give up. Do you understand me?
And I KNOW what I'm talking. I see her everyday and she sometimes talks about you, but ONLY IN NEGATIVE WAY. It's all because of your behavior.
She's one of my best friend, so I don't let you keep doing this!
So STOP. THIS. FUCKING. SHIT. Or i'll make it stop myself. -.-
Face the truth. Please. It will make --'s life easier.
Hän-joka-ei-osaa-kirjottaa-nimeäni-edes-oikein vastasi:
dear miss Yanara,
i don't know who you are,i don't know what are you thinking but what i'm talking to -- is not an awfull crime,i like your friend and what i'm feeling about her is the most amazing feeling that i could feel.
i don't want to take out your friend of you,never think it,i like you and i know that if you like her too,let me still beside -- and don't be one infant girl!
question her what she think about it and if she talk me to stop it's ok,but i don't listen she says that don't like me!
i prefer to be your friend and help you with a lot of beauty friends that i have got here,so yanara,think about a lot of good things,friends and flavors that i could to gift for you...
...think about it and let me have got one chance to make your friend happy,this is my biggest wish!
i will still love her
and ever
and ever
and ever
and ever
:_________________D PÄIVÄN NAURUT. Jotku ei vaa oikeesti tajua.

Suvin lisäys:

voi vittu oikeest ijoillaki on pokkaa! saatana nauran kyl pääni irti tästä hyvästä! x"""""""""""""""D

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