


Silly old fool.

:'DLauantai 05.01.2008 01:09

"He steals the form right out of Ryan's hand, scribbles down his phone number, and stands, making grabby hands toward Ryan's lap. "


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.01.2008 19:16

When Spencer Smith smiles at you, you actually become more awesome. This explains Jon Walker.

Yarr.Keskiviikko 02.01.2008 19:09

Ryan climbed out of the water onto the shore. He was soaked and he'd probably just ruined his favorite pair of jeans. But the boy who was just about his size ran up to him with the biggest smile Ryan had ever been on the receiving end of and Ryan decided that his recklessness had served him well, once again.

"Are you saving me?" said the boy. "I'm so lost!"
"I am Ryan the Reckless," said Ryan. "And you looked distressed."
"I am distressed," said the boy. "I am very, very distressed, Ryan the Reckless. I'm lost!"
"I've found you," said Ryan. "So you can't be that lost."

Ryan took the lost boy to his ship. His name was Brendon. He was a dolphin hunter, but he was pretty bad at it and had never killed any dolphins. He said he had accidentally set his boat on fire and he was forced to jump ship. The rest of the crew made it to the lifeboat, but he got swept away in the current.

Brendon said he hated being in the business of killing dolphins and never wanted to do it ever again. It was all because his parents had wanted him to get a summer job.

Ystäväkirjasta : DDDDDDDDDPerjantai 28.12.2007 20:28

7. (REPEn lisäksi) ihailen:
- kuka ihme on REPE? :D

(by Katja 8D)

SCH'HYVÄÄ JOULUA KAIKILLE.Maanantai 24.12.2007 12:42

Yö_________________dataus<3Sunnuntai 23.12.2007 03:00

FGIFDHGDUG!Lauantai 22.12.2007 17:14


Mulla vituttaa.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.12.2007 00:23

"George and Boyd, you know what you are doing, right?"

It was true. All they had to do was molest each other upon the stage.

En tajua.Keskiviikko 12.12.2007 11:24

Frejffoiögujofibjflhbvklbhlvjkbhlvjhblbof8ioihbhb taijanpa työntää pään kastelukannuun.