


Silly old fool.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2007 03:17

You ask if IÂ’m okay.
I say IÂ’m getting there.
You say youÂ’re glad.

The only thing I donÂ’t tell you is that your face has taken over my dreams.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2007 03:14

Sometimes I wish you would notice me though. Notice me in the sense that I am not just an object for you to simply glare at.

I am a person.

Journal of a broken boyLauantai 13.10.2007 03:13

This is not the heartfelt apology you were expecting.
ItÂ’s more of the heartfelt apologyÂ’s apology. Much less heartfelt, and not so sorry.
This is the only apology you get. Then you forget about me.

IÂ’m the narrator, the voice replaying itself in your head.
Over and over ‘til you crack.

I am your Chinese water torture.

IÂ’m the shy kid in the back of the class you love to hate.
Welcome to my point of view.

What Kind of Emo Are You?Sunnuntai 07.10.2007 16:54

Music Geek Emo

You're at the heart of the emo movement, knowing full well that ''emo'' or emo-core is actually a type of music that came out of the DC scene in 1987. You're no poser, either. You know that My Chemical Romance is SO not emo, but Sunny Day Real Estate totally IS! You're the best type of emo because although you like the sound, it does not merge into every part of your life (i.e. your not a soppy, black dressed mess). Congratulations and please continue to rock out!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.10.2007 16:42

How many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- None, they'd rather sit in the dark and cry.

What part of fall are you?Lauantai 06.10.2007 19:27

Pretty, but soon dead.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.10.2007 23:42


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 19:46

Ajattele jotakin henkilöä...poikaa tai tyttöä, josta pidät, tai jota jopa rakastat. Vastaa sitten kysymyksiin… ÄLÄ KATSO VASTAUKSIA!!! Tehdään tästä mielenkiintoista…

1. Jokin eläin: Koala!
2. Kaksinumeroinen luku, jota ensimmäisenä ajattelet: 14
3. Päivämäärä (pv.kk.vvvv): 29.09.2007
4. Ystäväsi nimi: Sara.
5. Toisen ystäväsi nimi: Sch'Ilona.
6. Sukulainen tai perheenjäsen: Äiti.
7. Sukulainen tai perheenjäsen: Iskä.

Neljä mieleesi tulevaa kappaletta:
8. The Academy Is... - Bulls in Brooklyn
9. Panic! At the Disco - Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off
10. The Cure - Just like heaven
11. Bryan Adams - Heaven

12. Kaupunki: Oulu : D
13. Vastakkaista sukupuolta olevan hlö:n nimi: Öää. Valtteri?
14. Toinen vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustaja: Apua. Joonas.
15. Usein käyttämäsi sana/sanonta: ": DDD"

Numero 13 kohdalla on tuleva aviopuolisosi.
- Onnea, Valtteri :'DD

Nyt lisää numeron 3 päivämäärään 10 vuotta, sillä se on päivä jolloin menette naimisiin.
- 29. 09. 2017

Numerossa 6 oleva henkilö vastustaa avioliittoanne.
- Äiti : D

Numerossa 7 on vahvasti sen puolella.
- Iskä : D

Numerolla 1 olevan eläimen saatte häälahjaksi.
- KOALA <3

Numero 8 oleva kappale on biisi, jota soitetaan häissänne eniten.
"Some people have it and other people don't.
You been making some threats, got my name and address.
I'm breaking habits you don't want to know
although I'm wearing my clothes, feeling cold and exposed, yeah

Don't say you miss me, you probably don't
Well I been crossing some lines, that most folks won't, yeah."

Numero 14 oleva henkilö yrittää estää häänne, koska on itsekin rakastunut sinuun
- Joonas : D

Numero 4 oleva henkilö unohtaa tulla häihin
- MAU Sara :'<<<

Numero 5 on bestmanisi/kaasosi.
- Ilona! : D

Numero 9 oleva kappale soi, kun rakastutte.
"Is it still me that makes you sweat?
The one you think about in bed
when the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
and how I hope to God he was worth it
when the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch his skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me.
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of.
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me.

Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster!
So, testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?"

Numero 12 on oleva häämatkakohteenne...
- LOL Oulu 8D

...jossa kuuntelette kappaletta numero 10.
"Show me show me show me
how you do that trick,
the one that makes me scream,
she said,
the one that makes me laugh,
she said,
and threw her arms around my neck.

Show me how you do it
and I promise you,
I promise that i'll run away with you.
I'll run away with you.

Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
and dreamed of all the different ways I had
to make her glow.
Why are you so far away,
she said.
Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you?
That i'm in love with you?

soft and only.
lost and lonely.

Nolaat itsesi omissa häissäsi sanomalla numeron 15.
- Sanon häissäni ": DDD"

Numero 11 kuvaa asennettasi elämään.
- And baby, you're all that I want.

Lähetä tämä nyt niin monelle kuin kirjoitit numeroon 2…


JOO ENPÄ TAIJA MENNÄ. : D En rupia lähettelemään nelijälletoista.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 16:03

MAUMAUMAUmansikkakarkkeja <3