


Silly old fool.

Fun facts.Sunnuntai 28.10.2007 00:41

Spencer Smith killed the dinosaurs. The first time he smiled, it released such a high concentration of energy and light into the world that there was a rift in the time-space continuum and, 64 million years ago, all major life forms felt such a powerful surge of pure joy that they fell over dead.

At least they died happy.

A love song by any other nameLauantai 27.10.2007 23:13

Ryan may be bony but he's nice to cuddle.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.10.2007 18:09

Ät thö airport. Meikä ulisee. Tissi tullee.

Tissi: "Do you know the song 'Big girls don't cry'?"
Meikä: "Yes."
Tissi: "I hate it."
Meikä: "Me too."

Oisin katkassu sen kaulan jos se ois ruennu laulamaan sitä mulle tai jottain.
Big göörls dount crai, lääslääs ;< Meikä ainaki ulisee sillonku haluan : D

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 20:29

Graaviorava sanoo:

Sara sanoo:

The glow insidePerjantai 19.10.2007 02:10

Have you ever thought about falling?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2007 03:17

You ask if IÂ’m okay.
I say IÂ’m getting there.
You say youÂ’re glad.

The only thing I donÂ’t tell you is that your face has taken over my dreams.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2007 03:14

Sometimes I wish you would notice me though. Notice me in the sense that I am not just an object for you to simply glare at.

I am a person.

Journal of a broken boyLauantai 13.10.2007 03:13

This is not the heartfelt apology you were expecting.
ItÂ’s more of the heartfelt apologyÂ’s apology. Much less heartfelt, and not so sorry.
This is the only apology you get. Then you forget about me.

IÂ’m the narrator, the voice replaying itself in your head.
Over and over ‘til you crack.

I am your Chinese water torture.

IÂ’m the shy kid in the back of the class you love to hate.
Welcome to my point of view.

What Kind of Emo Are You?Sunnuntai 07.10.2007 16:54

Music Geek Emo

You're at the heart of the emo movement, knowing full well that ''emo'' or emo-core is actually a type of music that came out of the DC scene in 1987. You're no poser, either. You know that My Chemical Romance is SO not emo, but Sunny Day Real Estate totally IS! You're the best type of emo because although you like the sound, it does not merge into every part of your life (i.e. your not a soppy, black dressed mess). Congratulations and please continue to rock out!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.10.2007 16:42

How many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- None, they'd rather sit in the dark and cry.