


turn the lights off

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 04.07.2008 16:28

I'm here today so far away
But tomorrow I'll be on my way home
Things we do and things we say
Sometimes make the world look so strange
And finally I realize I'm too fortunate to cry
But everything may end today
And the tears don't ask me why

Everyday I hear you say I'm too fortunate to cry
And when you need a change of pace
Then don't you stop this time
Once again I realize I must take a look behind
Twenty days, four thousand miles
Just made me see things right

Life is pain and pain turns to joy
Here I stand but I'm not the same guy
I am afraid, and estranged
I need my space, but I don't wanna stay
There's a place where nothing's real
And everything you do is based on fear
They make you watch yourself on the street
And when you're gone you just wanna (...)

Everyday I hear you say I'm too fortunate to cry
And when you need a change of pace
Then don't you stop this time
Once again I realize I must take a look behind
Twenty days, four thousand miles
Just made me see things right

Made me see things right

Everyday I hear you say I'm too fortunate to cry
And when you need a change of pace
Then don't you stop this time
Once again I realize I must take a look behind
Twenty days, four thousand miles
Just made me see things right

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