


Mitä tahansa minusta odotat, sitä en ole. Mitä tahansa minusta haluat, et taida saada kuitenkaan.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.03.2007 22:22

put your heads on my shoulder
hold me in yours arms, baby
squeeze me oh so tight and show me
that you love me too

put your lips next to mine dear,
wont you kiss me once so baby,
just to kiss goodnight and maybe
you and i will fall in love

people say
that love is a game
a game, you just cant win
if theres a way i'll find it someday
and then this fool will rush in

put your heads on my shoulder
whisper in my ear baby
words i wanna hear, tell me
tell me that you love me too

put your heads on my shoulder
whisper in my ear baby
words i wanna hear please, baby
put your heads on my shoulder

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