


We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are

I wish....Keskiviikko 14.11.2007 15:30

I wish to give, to take, to make, to check,
I wanna see it happen
I want to see, to be, the one that plays the game
without no fears and regrets
I want to know you,
better than I know myself
I want to feel the end
and to enjoy the consequence

I'm playing the game
the one that will take me to my end
I'm waiting for the rain
to wash, who I am

I want to move, to loose, to take the grooves
and to give it all back
I want to take the time rewind
and to kick it right from the start
to be unknown and all alone,
lose the kind that are behind
to start a new play by myself
and to give the best I have

I'm playing the game
the one that will take me to my end
I'm waiting for the rain
to wash, who I am

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