Joo mun piti levätä tää päivä ettei tauti uusi. Ja paskat mä mitään levätä osaa. Läksin leffaan. Brokeback mountainin katsoin. Ihana leffa ja tajuttoman surullinen :'( Onneksi oli nenäliinoja mukana. Mun vieressä istuva jätkäkin itki. Ahdasmielisyys on saatanasta!
People who care
Are people who share
People who give
So other people can live
Caring people are people who try
Who aim for the sky
And never say die!
It's very rare it's true
But I know one or two
They're people just like you
People who care
Often help make the change
Set people free
By helping people to see
Caring people are people with dreams
Who go to extremes
To fight for those dreams
Very rare it's true
But I know one or two
They're people just like you
People who care, are just like you
People who care, they're people just like you