
even chairs laugh at me.. Maanantai 30.06.2008 00:09

this is my original text in finnish.

ore wa SUGE~yo...

Henna means something like "weird" in Japanese, but here it dosen't mean anything, what I try to say it dosen't mean anything... ><P

this is a "secret" but I'm not sure. ANYWAY i tell it to you. My family thought that I looked like Hanoi Rocks singer, so i cut my hair.

TIETOISKU -> information hit (Lillan) -> Know Box (I)

oho, I mean my HAIR was just like one's in Hanoi Rocks.

Dunno why I told you that..

that English translation has many corrections so the Finnish one is bit different, but I think you dosen't understand anything to it.

this is a little part wrong text to Miyavi form Henna. SO EMBARASSING

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