


I don't need to be touched by you

So, would you jump with me? Lauantai 23.02.2008 03:52

I'm not lost, I just don't know where I'm going.
I'm not insane, I just don't know what I'm doing.
It's kinda fun and dreadful ,
but also nice and painful.

So do you want to join me tonight ?
I want to jump without knowing why and where.
I just need to take that risk, even once in my life.

Yes, I got plans, but I don't think about tomorrow.
Because todays not finished yet,
Why waste it by thinking about tomorrow that may never come?
And about yesterday, well, uhm, there gone.
So why look back for regrets ?

So would you want to join me tonight ?
I want to jump without knowing why and where.
I just need to take that risk, even once in my life.

Let's just live it like we should,
day by day, hour by hour,
and enjoy, while it lasts.

So jump with me, join me tonight.
We need to jump without knowing why and where.
We need to take that risk.

(c) booberry

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