


I don't need to be touched by you

You're just an object to her. Torstai 28.02.2008 01:14

Oh did you know?
I saw her today,
she was with another guy,
he was holding her hand,
and kissing her lips.
They we're kinda cute.

Does it hurt?
Does it make you sad?
Maybe even make you jealous?
Well I guess you have a reason to be.

But why did you have the make the wrong choice?
Why did you choose the one who will always hurt you,
the one who's love is just nothing but a waste of time.

She only needs you,
'cuz she doesn't wanna be alone.
I don't get it,
your other choice, was the girl who loves you more than anything.
She'd give anything to be with you,
she's cryin' every night,
'cuz you left her all alone.

She's all alone again,
trying to fill her loneliness.

(c) booberry

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