


I don't need to be touched by you

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.06.2008 13:15

It's not news if I say,
I'd feel a lot better if you were still here.

You use to see things differently,
You use to hold me and listen while I was trying to figure out my life.

Now that I don't have you here,
holding me, keeping me together.
It feels too hard to figure what I wanna do with my life.

Why should I make plans,
when everytime that I've tried that,
everything just falls apart.

Just like yesterday,
it was supposed to be about us.
But you're not here anymore.

If I could just have 10 more minutes with you,
I'd feel differently about this.
I'd see things differently.

(c) Pejkkis

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