


I don't need to be touched by you

Where's the "no one can own me" -girl now?Sunnuntai 06.07.2008 04:58

It kinda hit me today,
when I thought that what if,
it would happen again.
What if I'd see a day again,
when you're not with me anymore.

I don't know if I could live a day without you,
I can't even stand the thought that you would leave.
That's when it hit me, you're kinda too close.

You can easily hurt me, break me down, make me cry.
'Cuz I've said it already, there ain't nothing, nothing,
I won't do for you, and that kinda freaks me out.

I'm not use to being this vulnerable,
Weird how just the thought that something could happen to you,
makes me cry.
Weird, how I miss you even when it's only been 5 minutes since we last saw each other.

It's kinda hard to explain,
but I've never been this scared,
and it's only because I know,
you could break me down with one word.

But when I think all the time I've spend with you,
I think I've never been happier.
Everything I do, feels so empty without you.
Other people, don't make as happy as you.

I don't know how you did it,
but you kinda stole my heart.
But since you have it,
I hope you take good care of it,
and please, I'm beggin' don't break it.

(c) Pejkkis

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