



shuffleMaanantai 07.04.2008 23:55

Jos vaikka tekis tällasenkin uudelleen..

Story of my life so far?
Title: Madot
Artist: Ajattara

How does the world see me?
Title: Don't Count Me Out
Artist: Pain

How do my friends see me?
Title: Suffer in Silence
Artist: Impaled Nazarene

How is my life going?
Title: Fragile
Artist: Swallow the Sun

What's the best thing about me?
Title: I'm on Fire
Artist: Brother Firetribe

Will I have a happy life?
Title: North Sea Storm
Artist: Amon Amarth

How can I make myself happy?
Title: Hell on High Heels
Artist: Mötley Crüe

What should I do with my life?
Title: Matkalaulu
Artist: PMMP

How can I get ahead in life?
Title: Flesh Relinquished
Artist: Shade Empire

What's high school like?
Title: Ode to the End
Artist: Sentenced

Will I ever have children?
Title: PVC-Unelmia
Artist: Apulanta

What is some good advice for me?
Title: Punch Me I Bleed
Artist: Children of Bodom

How will I be remembered?
Title: My Serenity
Artist: Entwine

What's in store for this weekend?
Title: You Don't Fool Me
Artist: Queen

What is my signature dancing song?
Title: Frozen
Artist: Madonna

What do I think my current theme song is?
Title: Dissolution Factor Red
Artist: Dark Tranquillity

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Title: Kookospähkinä
Artist: M.A. Numminen

What is my friend's theme song?
Title: Kosmosaik
Artist: Vintersorg

What song will play at my funeral?
Title: Worms in Rectum
Artist: Impaled Nazarene
Ahaha :DDDD Muistakaa tää

What type of men/women do you like?
Title: Seen It All
Artist: Korn

What is your day going to be like?
Title: On Rich and Poor
Artist: Amorphis

What should I do with my life?
Title: Out in the Cold
Artist: Judas Priest

What song describes my parents?
Title: We Rock
Artist: Norther

What song describes my grandparents?
Title: Maailma On Sun
Artist: Tehosekoitin

What is happiness?
Title: NÃ¥r Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete
Artist: Dimmu Borgir

Olipa vähän synkempää ennustusta ku edellisellä kerralla xD

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