


Viisas mies sanoi "Löydä paikkasi myrkynsilmästä, Etsi ruusuja matkasi varrelta vaan muista varoa piikkejä"

saattaa ol typoi, 0 fucks given.Keskiviikko 22.08.2012 11:20

The secrets of universe, wide open in front of my eyes.
Still cant find solution to questions and determine lies.
What am i, a man form of midnight, a bloodlusty beast?.
Some razor toothed monster that getting ready to feast.
Or work of ancient force, some freaky experience before man.

I know my blood aint mere man its in my bones to feel that way.
And as long i remembered theyr game wasnt for me to play.
As i dont kneel in front of king, ruler or anykind of man.
I will play hide and seek with madness until i find out what i am.

I am something they cant believe, is it true or is it dream.
The energy of all living flows into core of my soul.
And inside me there void of darkness and glowing ball of
good ones soul. When i will die, where the i will go.

I look inside me, and find out many freaky things.
And in my deepest daydreams i hear how forgotten ones sing.
I might just be insane, but i dont believe its that, and everybody that says so is a mothers scary brat.
Just tell fuckers, if you exist why cant there be anything else.
And if you rely to some fucking sciense, thats what gonna ring your dead bells.

I know my blood aint mere man its in my bones to feel that way.
And as long i remembered theyr game wasnt for me to play.
As i dont kneel in front of king, ruler or anykind of man.
I will play hide and seek with madness until i find out what i am.

I am something they cant believe, is it true or is it dream.
The energy of all living flows into core of my soul.
And inside me there void of darkness and glowing ball of
good ones soul. When i will die, where the i will go.

Mysteria, revelare. Mysteria,manifesto.

So just walk in your prison of mind and dont you bother me.
Cause im not your kind, is that really so hard to see.

I know my blood aint mere man its in my bones to feel that way.
And as long i remembered theyr game wasnt for me to play.
As i dont kneel in front of king, ruler or anykind of man.
I will play hide and seek with madness until i find out what i am.

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