


- confuse me / wanna get naughty ?

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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.09.2009 16:24

You see that's where you were wrong
My life is still going on
I'm broke and suffocated, with your actions baby
You thought that I would take it all

I'm breakable, I'm breakable, I'm breakable

But I'm not that breakable
I was not the way you thought, impossible
I was not the kind to stay around
I like to stand on solid ground

I know what I want
Not that breakable, baby

So you see that's where you were wrong
Baby I'm still going strong
Blamed and broken hearted, I was left half minded
I'm gonna make it on my own

I know what I want

I needed something more than you gave me
If only you have seen
I'm breakable, I'm breakable, I'm breakable
I wanted to dance, everlasting romance
You offered no chance

This is how it feels, I'm not that breakable

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