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Horsecore - Dance Larry DanceSunnuntai 22.08.2010 01:07

I've waited for years
and my eyes are filled with tears
.:all my deepest fears
i have drowned them with hundreds of beers:.

.:I saw the light it greets me bright
the memories of you theyre out of sight:.

Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
cause now im happy that we're apart
Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
I got a new life ahead, that im going to gain

Im happy now out of my mind
last words i herd "have fun god bless"
Shut up, i dont care less
I dont fucking care about you

Chorus 2

Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
cause now im happy that we're apart
Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
.:I got a new life ahead, that im going to gain
Deep inside, I will hate you forever:.

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