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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

----Perjantai 23.04.2010 03:22

liian moni lähtee liian aikasin, tää on kai sitä elämää....? ei oo helppoo mut se on kai vaan kestettävä, ainakin yritettävä. aion yrittää,pohjalta ponnistaa kunnes en enää itsekkään jaksa..

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.04.2010 21:41

I want you to know, I want you to see
I want you to look beyond your own eyes
Past your afflictions
I want you to hurt, want you to bleed
I want you to look beyond your own face
Past your infection

...Sunnuntai 14.03.2010 20:56

Am I going insane (insane)
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling it ticks (it ticks)
My body shaking thereÂ’s no turning back

So take your eyes off the trigger (?)
IÂ’m not to blame if your world turns to black
as your eyes start to blister
This is just so hard for our final embrace
So here we are, IÂ’m in your head
IÂ’m in your heart!!!

You were told to to run away
soaked the place enlight the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I canÂ’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

Is it my turn to die?
My heart is pounding as I say goodbye
So now I dance in the flames
I love you crying and screaming my name

You said that weÂ’d be forever
How could you kill me and lie to my face
Now that we canÂ’t be together
ThereÂ’s just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, IÂ’m in your head
IÂ’m in your heart!!!

You were told to run away
Soaked the place enlight the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I canÂ’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Be-trayal!!


So here we are (so here we are, IÂ’m in your head
(I´m in your head)
IÂ’m in your heart!!!

You were told to to run away
soaked the place enlight the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I canÂ’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

bullet for my valentine - your betrayal

jeahLauantai 13.03.2010 23:34

"Mikä oikeus ihmisellä on antaa oikeus toiselle ihmiselle päättää kolmannen ihmisen asioista, joista yksikään ei toistaan tunne?"

"Ei ole vaikeaa hallita toisia ihmisiä, mutta koetapa hallita itseäsi."

"Jokainen osaa hallita, muttei tehdä sitä oikein."

ajovitunkorttiKeskiviikko 03.02.2010 21:55

nyt on vihdoin ja viimein ajokortti taskussa.. :D

????Lauantai 16.01.2010 23:27

nykyihmisillä on saatanan hämärä käsitys lojaaliudesta, jos joku sattuu toiseen luottamaan ja kertoo omista "tärkeistä" asioistaan toiselle niin ei mene kauaakaan kun siitä siitä tiedetään jo naapurikaupungeissa asti... saa nykypäivänä olla tarkkana keneen luottaa ja ketä jaksaa kuunnella.

on se jännää...?

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.12.2009 02:09

pillar - frontline

It's not like I'm walking alone into the valley of the shadow of death
Stand beside one another, 'cause it ain't over yet
I'd be willing to bet that if we don't back down
You and I will be the ones that are holding the Crown in the end
When it's over, we can say, "Well done"
But not yet, 'cause it's only begun
So, pick up, and follow me, we're the only ones
To fight this thing, until we've won
We drive on and don't look back
It doesn't mean we can't learn from our past
All the things that we mighta done wrong
We could've been doing this all along

Everybody, with your fists raised high
Let me hear your battle cry tonight
Stand beside, or step aside
We're on the frontline

And we'll be carrying on, until the day it doesn't matter anymore
Step aside, you forgot what this is for
We fight to live, we live to fight
And tonight, you'll hear my battle cry
We live our lives on the frontlines
We're not afraid of the fast times
These days have opened up my eyes
And now, I see where the threat lies

We've got to lead the way
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »