Eli joo, ekasta testistä 100% Toulouse (seuraava oli Christian 63%, sit Satine, sit Zidler ja vikana the Duke, eli aika ylivoimanen tuo Toulouse)
ja seuraavasta:
You are Toulouse! You are quite the funny, cheeky little thing! Though you are wise when needbe, you're usually comical and a bit naughty. Paint on, baby!
^--- tuo kyl oikeesti kuvaa mua hyvin. :D
ja sit vielä kolmas:
Yes, you are loosely based on a vertically-challenged painter who frequented the Moulin Rouge. But more importantly, you are our own totally bohemian, beloved Henri Marie Raymonde de Toulouse-Lautrec... something. I can never understand what he says right there. It sounds really French. You long for love with every fiber of your being, and I for one hope you find it.
ja btw, se on Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Montfa.<3