


kiva ilma hei oon lesbo

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

  • . 15.04.
  • . 10.04.
  • . 28.03.
  • . 17.03.
  • . 21.12.
  • . 14.12.
  • . 11.12.
  • . 17.11.
  • . 16.11.
  • . 14.11.

.Torstai 15.04.2010 01:15

i'll get tired of the heart attacks
every time it rings
i'll put myself on the waiting list
and get it all cleared up
you're the one with the attitude
don't try and make me out
to be the root of the evil in
the whole rotten affair
lie back and suffer now
we've both earned our reward
buried deep in the telegram
i'm sure i never got
was any clue of the whereabouts
of all the things i'd lost
just because you were right before
doesn't mean you're right

to make up now would just vindicate
every doubt i had

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