


juokse maailman ääriin vain huomataksesi, ettet päässyt pakoon itseäsi. // löydät paremmin instasta; johannathegodddess

parasparasprasmeidänoma<3Torstai 01.11.2007 15:26

they think they can hold us down forever..
but no one can beat us out of phase..
we live hard, creatin all the terror..
the government is shaded by our craze..

wont take shit from no one
breakin free, never stop..
livin rabid in the everland ..

oooo we`re the kids of the underground
oh there`s a riot in everyone
we`re the kids of the underground
and we`re loud as we tear`em down
oooo we`re the kids of the underground
oh theres a feelin you cant deny
there`s a feelin you cant deny..
coz`theres a riot in everyone..

they say you shall live as you are told to
i say you gotta be strong and make up your own mind
be your self not a puppet in their freakshow
coz thats the way youll end up when they beat you blind

wont take shit from anyone (NO ONE)
never played by the rules
coz we`re the kids of the underground...

our time, our ways, we`re the wasted generation
our life, we pay, with our nasty reputation
we will always be living free
always on top of the misery
to live hard is a luxury
and to die of our prophecy

Riot In Everyone/Crashdïet

Crashdïet@Rytmikorjaamo 23.11.2007

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