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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.07.2006 22:03

Put your music player on shuffle
Post the first 40 songs that come up. You can repeat artists if you want. If you have any repeat tracks, skip to the next track.

1. Itkevä tyttö - Aivokirurgin alakerrassa
2. Reel Big Fish - Kiss Me Deadly
3. Coldplay - Fix You
4. Depeche Mode - I Feel You
5. Luo Reed - Perfect Day
6. Madness - Drip Fed Fred
7. Soul Captain Band - Rauhaa ja rakkautta
8. Kerkko Koskinen - Mayday
9. Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
10. Soul Captain Band - Taistelun Arvoinen
11. Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You
12. Bad Manners - Lip Up Fatty
13. Mew - Fox Club
14. Damien Rice - Volcano
15. Posteljoona - Lemmellemme
16. Magnet - Lay Lady Lay
17. The Crash - Star
18. Pelle Miljoona - Katupoikien Laulu
19. Liberator - Happy Man
20. The Black Eyed Peas - Where is the Love
21. Mew - Why Are You Looking Gray
22. Mestarit - Hengaillaan
23. Soul Captain Band - Vastarintaan
24. Ray Parker Jr & Raydio - A Woman Needs Love
25. Death Cab For Cutie - What Sarah Said
26. Poets of the Fall - Everything Fades
27. The Ordinary Boys - Life Will Be The Death Of Me
28. Joel Hallikainen & Timo Koivusalo - Kielet Kitarain
29. The Specials - Nite Club
30. Mew - Am I Wry? No
31. RHCP - Funky Monks
32. Bad Manners - This Is Ska
33. Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
34. The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women
35. John Lennon - Just Like Starting Over
36. Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
37. Madness - Saturday Night Sunday Morning
38. John Lennon - Jealous Guy
39. Elliott Smith - Independence Day
40. Hector - Eki-setä


01. Which song do you prefer, #1 or #40?
tykkään kummastaki tosipaljonn

02. Have you ever listened to #12 continuously on repeat?

03. What album is #26 from?
signs of life

04. What do you think about the artist who did #15?

05. Is #19 one of your favorite songs?
eip oikeestaan

06. Who does #38 remind you of?
nobody sorii

07. Does #20 have better lyrics or music?
Lyriikat on ainakin kyseisessä biisissä aika asialliset. muute en tiä ku ei oo tullu kuunneltuu enempää

08. Do any of your friends like #3?
joo pari dikkaa

09. Is #33 from a movie soundtrack?

10. Is #18 overplayed on the radio?
en tiä kyllä varmaan mut en oo ite kuullu

11. What does #21 remind you of?
tulee mieleen ruisrock ja se kun ne oli siinä lavalla ja ah

12. Which song do you prefer, #5 or #22?
22 !!

13. What album is #17 from?

14. When did you first hear #39?
ei oo kauaakaan, ehkä jouluna tai vähä jälkeen

15. When did you first hear #7?
ehkäehkä samoihin aikoihin kun edellisen

16. What genre is #8?
en tiä jotai suomi poppii tai rockii tai jotai outoo

17. Do any of your friends like #14?
ei tietääkseni

18. What color does #4 remind you of?
harmaa tai ultramariinin sininenn

19. Have you ever blasted #11 on your stereo?

20. What genre is #37?

21. Can you play #13 on any instrument?
ehkä pianol jos koittaisin entiä

22. What is your favorite lyric from #30?
ai tästä piisistä vai bändiltä ? ööää täst piisist

drives with her eyes closed
Do you ever
inflict unwanted memories?

23. What is your favorite lyric from #23?
koko piisissä on hiton hyvät sanat

24. Would you recommend #24 to your friends?

25. Is #2 a good song to dance to?
no jooo kyl

26. Do you ever heard #16 on the radio?

27. Is #32 more of a "nighttime" or "daytime" song?

28. Does #36 have any special meaning to you?
ei oikeastaan tota piisii en oo bändiltä kuunnellu montaakaan kertaa

29. Do any of your friends like #31?
joo. laura erityisesti ;>

30. Is #25 a fast or slow song?

31. Is #35 a happy or sad song?
ehkä aika surullinen

32. What is one of your favorite lyrics from #9?

You're a vegetable (You're a vegetable)
You're a vegetable (You're a vegetable)
Still they hate you (Still they hate you)
You're a vegetable (You're a vegetable)
You're just a buffet (You're just a buffet)
You're a vegetable (You're a vegetable)
They eat off of you (They eat off of you)
You're a vegetable

heh joo

33. Is #34 better to listen to alone or with friends?

34. When did you first hear #27?
eeehkä öö talvella

35. Name 3 other songs by the artist who did #29:
monkey man, do the dog ja enjoy yourself

36. Do you know all the words to #6?

37. Does #28 have better lyrics or music?
lyriikat :D

38. What album is #10 from?
jokaiselle tulta

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