I am not an extension. To anybody.
I am not a scape goat.
I do have bad and good sides, so does anyone.
I do bitch and complain. At least, I am trying to look for the right things to do.
I do not want to serve as a middleman. Because, if you got something to say to someone, go ahead do it, but not through me.
You can bitch at me: I will either listen to you, and consider whether your bitchin is reasonable or not. OR! If I already know, that you are bitching at me to let the steam out, I am not going to listen to you, I will either ignore you or I will strike back.
I do require certain things from people, simple things: respect (at least respect me as a human being, if you do not know me well, and if you do not know why the hell you should respect me), recognition (you know, I am not one of the irritating things that are on your way to whatever, OR you know, if I am there then I am there, and I am pretty tired of sayings like "why don't you go and talk to peopl" oh, I did, and I still do, but I am not running after anyone, unless the people are REALLY close to me), and, of course, tolerance (if you don't like something, go ahead, come and tell me, in nice calm voice and make it rational, ok?, besides, I do have feelings and sometimes I get too happy or messed up or excited or angry, etc., there is almost always a reason)
Lastly, if after you read this (and I mean, "you" can be ANYONE) don't jump to a conclusion that I am overly arrogant, overly confident and overly rude, ask yourself, don't you feel the same way?
I don't usually stand up and express my opinion: that's because I might see that kind of thing pointless (depending on the audience and situation) or I am being either a bit arrogant or ignorant. But hey, show me a person, who thinks that waste of time is a good thing.
P.S. I bet you recognise yourself in this text. It is just the thing about being rational.
I've posted this in facebook and here. And I really hope, someone would pay attention.