...eli sitten ku keskiarvo ei oo enää vitonen vaa lähempänä ainaki seiskaa... parempi ois tietty kasii.. mut eka täs vähä chillailen L-WORD sivuilla...
I'm all nice and clean you're going get me sweaty and stinky.
The 4 F's she's finds em', feel em', f***k's em and forget em'
"What are you doing to me?".... "Fucking you."
Emotional Cripple? Where did you get that?! Dr. Phil!?
That is what we refer to as a HASbian!
"Ze penis, Ze pussy, Ze baby.."
Sexuality is fluid whether your gay, straight, or bisexual you just go with the flow
Party's over you can go back to being gay
She has nipple confidence
. ..................................................................................................................... <3 amy's hot